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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Final theses

Project group: Knowledge about language acquisition among teachers with a focus on GE

Children's language acquisition is a multifactorial process and is difficult or delayed for many children with intellectual disabilities. Teachers specializing in intellectual development are therefore constantly confronted with language acquisition processes and existing language impairments in children in their everyday school life. Enabling participation in school against the backdrop of language impairments can be a challenge for teachers. Although there are many thematic overlaps between the specialisms of language and GE (intellectual development), there has not yet been sufficient cross-disciplinary research. The aim of this project is to assess the status quo regarding the knowledge of teachers specializing in GE about language acquisition and disorders of language development in their pupils and, in a next step, to develop possible options for action and information (for example in the form of further training or specific materials for the teaching staff). Individual focuses are possible by arrangement.