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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Final theses

Project group: Dortmunder Sprach- und Erzähltraining am Übergang (DoSETÜ)

Language support at the transition to elementary school

The project "Dortmunder Sprach- und Erzähltraining am Übergang (DoSETÜ)" focuses on the key aspects of educational language and narrative skills in the transition from the pre-school education system to elementary school. Among other things, DoSETÜ develops recommendations for action for professionals as well as specific innovative language support materials such as audio plays. The DoSETÜ training is intended to increase the participation opportunities of children from socially disadvantaged families who are growing up multilingual. The project aims to investigate the extent to which specific support in the area of educational language (vocabulary and grammar) helps children to acquire the relevant language skills. Furthermore, the extent to which specific narrative support enables the children to participate communicatively in the morning circle will be examined. Theses (Bachelor's or Master's) on various issues in the context of the overarching project topic are possible.

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