The latest news and most important information from the S&K team appear here. Older messages from 2022 can be found in our archive.
(Academic) speech therapist wanted
The Speech Therapy Outpatient Clinic is hiring!

S&K presents research results at the DGPs in Vienna
Larissa Pliska at the Congress of the German and Austrian Society of Psychology (DGPs/ÖGP) 2024 in Vienna

DFG funds MetaGraM cooperation project
Together with Dr. Alexander Röhm (CHIP department), Dr. Eva Wimmer has successfully acquired third-party funding from the German Research Foundation.

S&K team together with SpA team at the dragon boat race on Lake Phoenix
On Sunday, August 25, 2024, the teams from S&K and SpA (together as Team SEK) were active and successful in the dragon boat race on the Phoenixsee in…

S&K team meeting on 22.08.2024 in summery temperatures
Large team meeting of the entire S&K team to exchange ideas and get to know new team members
Research on the processing of quantities
A newly published conference paper sheds light on the understanding of quantities in people with Down syndrome.

S&K represented several times at IASCL 2024 in Prague
Dr. Eva Wimmer, Lisa Röbstek, Jannika Böse and Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Scherger at the IASCL 2024 international congress of the study of child language in…

Brochure "Early support, big impact" now also available in plain language
An adapted version of the brochure "Frühe Förderung, Große Wirkung" is now available in plain language.

Connection between vocabulary and narrative ability
Dr. Isabel Neitzel publishes further analyses on narrative skills in people with Down syndrome