The latest news and most important information from the S&K team appear here. Older messages from 2022 can be found in our archive.
Symposium "Language as the key to a successful educational biography" in Gelsenkirchen
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Scherger and Jannika Böse as guests in the regional education network for Gelsenkirchen

Christmas greetings and New Year wishes
The S&K team wishes you a relaxing Christmas season and a good start to the New Year!

Poster prize for contribution to digital diagnostics
Dr Isabel Neitzel has won the 1st Poster Prize of the Autumn Meeting of Patholinguistics.

New article sheds light on inclusive language learning
A contribution for primary school teachers presents inclusive language support with a focus on GE.
Storytelling poster for teachers and specialists
A clear poster illustrates the basics of encouraging multilingual children to tell stories.

Interdisciplinary conference on language development disorders - S&K and SpA teams at the 13th ISES in Halle
The 13th ISES will take place in Halle (an der Saale) from November 14-16, 2024. The Dortmund teams from S&K and SpA are strongly represented!

International Day of Developmental Language Disorders
Today, 18 October 2024, is International Day of Language Development Disorders - S&K is taking part in the awareness campaign and raising awareness of…

S&K with a workshop at the Förderschultag on 1.10. in Hemer
Dr. Eva Wimmer reports on new findings on the connections between language, working memory and mathematics learning at the Förderschultag

Conference presentations in Dortmund
The S&K team is represented with several presentations at the DGfE conference