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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften
Dortmund longitudinal section

Predictors of educational language skills

In this project, we are investigating the developmental relationships between pre-school linguistic and extra-linguistic skills and educational language at sentence and text level. In the Dortmund longitudinal section, monolingual children have been followed in their development from their first birthday up to their tenth birthday over the past nine years. They have been examined in (half) yearly steps in (non-)linguistic areas and also mathematical skills. We are currently assessing the educational language skills at sentence and text level of 34 children in this group using a standardized test procedure. These skills are then correlated with earlier scores in the areas of vocabulary, grammar and working memory in order to uncover correlations and early indicators.

© Anna Scherger​/​TU Dortmund
V.l.: Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Scherger, Dr. Eva Wimmer, Nawrl Ourich, Nina Hemelt

Project management
