Current projects
Technology-supported diagnostics
DFG-Project "The use of pupillometry in bilingual language assessment" (Pupil-Bila)
With the aim of technology-based early detection of multilingual children at risk of a language development disorder, certain language processing abilities of multilingual children are examined at the beginning of their contact with German using a special eye tracking method. Children at risk identified in this way are examined at a later stage in a long-term study design using comprehensive diagnostics of language production.

Project management
Project coordination
Auxiliary staff
Cäcilie Eigemann
Timon Ludwigs
Rohan Nayak
Buket Özdemir
Lea Sommer
Lisa Wenderoth
Julia Wojtecki
Tom Fritzsche (University of Potsdam)
Dr. Martin Włodarczak (Stockholm University)

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (SCHE 2076/1-1, 493770011).
- Röbstek, L., Neitzel, I., & Scherger, A.-L. (in press). Opportunities and limitations of technology-based risk diagnostics - Pupillometric assessment of language impairments in multilingual children with little contact with German. In: Heitplatz, V. & Wilkens, L. (Eds.). Rehabilitation technology in transition: a human-technology-environment perspective.
- Röbstek, L. & Scherger, A.-L. (forthcoming). The use of pupillometry in bilingual assessment. Presentation for the IASCL 2024 (16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language). Charles University, Prague.
- Scherger, A.-L. (2022). Rethinking bilingual language assessment: Considering implicit language knowledge by means of pupillometry. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 10001 4,
- Scherger, A.-L., Urbanczik, G., & Neitzel, I. (2022). Explicit and implicit grammatical abilities in contrast: A comparison between children with and without SES, presentation given at ISES 12 (Interdisciplinary Conference on Developmental Language Disorders), University of Marburg.
- Scherger, A.-L. & Neitzel, I. (2023). Pupillometry in bilingual language assessment - Preliminary results from early second language acquisition of German. Presentation given at the ICPLA 2023, University of Salzburg.
- Scherger, A.-L., Neitzel, I., & Urbanczik, G. (2023). Explicit and implicit grammatical abilities in contrast: A comparison between children with and without SES. Research Language, 2, 151-167. www.