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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Final theses

Project group: Language diagnostics for multilingualism

Final thesis topics in the field of multilingualism

Discussions with health authority doctors and teachers working in the field have repeatedly made it clear that a few "little things" would help in day-to-day work. For example, although there are extensive language descriptions for numerous languages of origin (see, for example, the University of Duisburg-Essen, ProDaZ project), there are no clear tables that show at a glance the difficulties we should expect with different languages of origin in children's German acquisition. These tables could, for example, be compiled in the project based on literature.

Another idea is to translate the language comprehension parts of common German language development diagnostic tests into several languages of origin. Before being used in practice with bilingual children with typical language development, these should be tested in this project group and examined for their diagnostic potential for the language of origin.

Further ideas on this topic are very welcome in this project group!

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